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Pool acid wash

A swimming pool is a wonderful place on a property. When the weather is unbearably hot, you can jump in to cool off, but it also requires constant maintenance if it is to remain a safe and healthy place in which to swim. 

We perform pool acid wash services as part of our services, and in the subsections below, we will list five benefits of acid washing 


Pool Acid

Benefits of Pool Acid Washing

During the “dog days” of summer, algae tend to accumulate in swimming pools, and if the surface is made of plaster, it can be stained as a result. Acids can kill these algae and restore the appearance you had when you first had your pool installed. 

Copper and magnesium — both of which are the by-products of various kinds of biological processes — are often deposited on swimming pools’ surfaces, where they too can leave unsightly stains. These, too, can be removed easily with acid, as can calcium deposits, scales, and scum build-up, and the original color of the finish can then be seen again. 

If you are ready for a free estimate, call (561) 567-0317 

This particular point is true for the great majority of surface types, including black plaster, brick, white and colored plaster, and name brand finishes. 

This can, however, require a great deal of work, which is why you should contact us. You can learn how to acid wash your pool by calling us and requesting a step-by-step guide. 

Acid washing is valuable not just for health reasons but also for esthetic ones. Many pool owners, indeed, choose to enlist our pool acid wash services simply because they want the finish to be brighter and whiter, even if things are not exactly in a swampy condition. We will be pleased to serve you in that regard; simply call (561) 567-0317! 

Pool Acid Wash Demonstration

It is important that you solicit the pool acid washing services of a professional pool company, because acid washing can be dangerous if you are not ready to handle the chemicals involved. 

Master Touch Pool acid washing services might also be needed if the property you own was purchased on foreclosure and happened to have a swimming pool that its previous owners had allowed to deteriorate. 

Pool Acid Wash Warnings

Acids are toxic, and our employees are specially trained to apply substances like this. They also wear protective clothes when they work and use breathing apparatuses. Also, if acid washing is not performed correctly, it can wreck the surface! 

Pool Acid Wash Free Estimate

Also, be aware that it’s not too late to contact us to have our pool acid cleaning services performed, no matter how bad your pool may appear to be. 
We offer free estimates in your area, call (561) 567-0317 or fill out our contact form on the right side of this webpage. 

Before and After Pool
Acid Wash Images

Here is a copy of our licenses, certifications & awards

Why Choose Us

You Can Book An Appointment

Our commitment to our clients: Your pool crystal clear once we leave.

We Prioritize You

We always discuss our clients' needs and make won't miss any of it.

We Guarantee Cleanliness

Your entire pool will be thoroughly cleaned and maintained, each and every time.

We Have References

We Have Excellent References in South Florida.

We Guarantee Your Satisfaction

We care about our pool maintenance service, and we're not satisfied until you are 100% Satisfied.

Flexible Hours

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Flexible schedule, just contact our office if you need to change of any reason.

We Provide Insurance

We carry insurance that protects both the service provider and our clients.

Unique Treatment for Each Client

Each pool is treated with special one. We have notes and a special checklist for all of our accounts.

Chemical Balance & Pool Maintenance Review

Signs You Need a Pool Chemical Balancing

Improper chlorine and ph levels, either too high of ph or too low, can cause a variety of issues that can easily be corrected by a pool chemical balancing. If any of these are concerns for your pool, you should give us a call to schedule a pool chemical balancing today:

We’ll handle all of the testing, figuring out which chemicals are needed for your pool chemical balancing and then properly add those chemicals to your pool. That will give a sparkling touch to your swimming pool! Which will then be a pleasure to look at and swim in.
Pool chemical balancing is a necessary part of pool maintenance we can help you balance your swimming pool today, simply call (561) 567-0317.

Pool Repair May be an
Option Apart From Pool Remodeling

Some times a swimming pool will need specific repairs, depending on your overall swimming pool renovation. We offer the following repair services, in case they are needed:
